Chemical Flooding Experimental Design and Optimization

Successful field applications of chemical flooding rely on a high-quality design. Laboratory evaluation to determine an efficient chemical formulation for an oil/brine/reservoir system, and reservoir simulations to predict performance and economic evaluation of the process are key elements of the design.
Generally, more than half of the oil is left in the ground at the end of waterflooding operations due to partial sweep of the reservoir by the water and the residual oil that is left where the water has invaded. Chemical flooding has the potential to displace and produce a significant portion of that remaining oil. A slug of a chemical formulation is injected and displaced through the reservoir. The chemical formulation, which includes surfactants, solvents, polymer and/or alkali, is designed for the particular oil/brine/reservoir rock system. TORP has classified many Kansas reservoirs for their chemical flooding potential and is well equipped to conduct laboratory testing under reservoir conditions to screen different chemical formulations for reservoirs of interest. A movable chemical blending and injection skid is available for renting or collaborative projects. TORP staff and affiliates will support such projects technically.
- Surfactant flooding
- Polymer flooding
- Surfactant Alkaline Polymer flooding
- Polymer gel conformance treatment
- Temperature: 77-400 °F
- Pressure: up to 5000 psi
- Core dimension: 1, 1.5, and 2 inch ID and maximum 12 inch in length