TORP Services

TORP Services
Laboratory evaluation of acid treatment processes with a comprehensive approach to investigate fluid-fluid interactions, corrosion/reaction rates, matrix acidizing and acid fracturing performance are offered by TORP.
TORP is well equipped with analytical equipment to support research projects in chemical and petroleum area.
Laboratory evaluation to determine an efficient chemical formulation for an oil/brine/reservoir system, and reservoir simulations.
TORP has the capability of conducting inter-well tracer studies followed by chemical floods using a movable chemical flooding skid as a pilot or small-scale field application.
The TORP laboratory is well equipped to conduct phase behavior study relevant to gas injection and core flooding experiment with CO2 and other type of gas.
Laboratory evaluation and design of CO2 and N2 flooding applications with a comprehensive approach to investigate foam stability mechanisms using Raman spectroscopy, bulk foam stability using view cell, bulk and interfacial rheology, adsorption, dissolution, and incremental production from pore- to core- scale is offered as a service by TORP labs.
Laboratory evaluation and design of CO2 and N2 fracturing applications.
Interfacial tension and contact angle measurements are necessary for understanding of any oil and gas recovery process that includes fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions.
HPHT rheological measurements for linear gels, slick water, cross-linked gels, foam systems, drilling fluids and other fluids of interest in oil and gas industry are offered as a service by TORP labs.
Laboratory evaluation of low, modified and high salinity water flooding applications with a comprehensive approach to investigate fluid-fluid and fluid-rock geochemical interactions, interfacial phenomena, wettability and incremental production from pore- to core- scale.
Laboratory evaluation of proppants for hydraulic fracturing with a comprehensive approach to investigate the impact of stress on proppant shape and size, nano, and micro-indentation testing to
measure mechanical properties, fracture conductivity experiments for performance evaluation.
Brochure for Proppant Testing and Evaluation
The pulse decay is the main method employed to determine permeability for tight rocks, and has been widely used in oil industry. This in-house developed set up at TORP can measure the porosity and permeability of core sample at various temperature and pressure.
In a single well tracer test, a solution of chemical tracer ester (ethyl formate) is pumped downhole, displaced with brine, shut-in to allow hydrolysis of a portion of the ester to ethanol, then produced back.
The application of CO2/natural gas huff-n-puff in unconventional reservoirs is currently implemented in organic-rich, tight and ultra-tight oil reservoirs to add energy supply for oil industry.