Water Flooding Experimental Design and Optimization- Low/Modified Salinity Water Flooding Design

Laboratory evaluation of low, modified and high salinity water flooding applications with a
comprehensive approach to investigate fluid-fluid and fluid-rock geochemical interactions,
interfacial phenomena, wettability and incremental production from pore- to core- scale is offered as a service by TORP labs. Core- to reservoir-scale simulations are offered to predict performance and economic evaluation of the process as key elements of the field design.
TORP is well equipped to conduct laboratory testing under reservoir conditions to screen different water formulations for reservoirs of interest. Our comprehensive approach includes the investigation of the rock characteristics using imaging techniques, surface complexation reactions, disjoining pressure calculations at the crude oil- brine-rock (COBR) interface, dissolutions process (if applicable), clay reactions (if applicable), micro-dispersion studies, wettability alteration, microfluidic studies and coreflooding.
• Conventional water flooding
• Low salinity water flooding
• Modified salinity water flooding
• Water compatibility
• Temperature: 77-400 °F
• Pressure: up to 10,000 psi
• Core dimension: 1, 1.5, and 2 inch ID and maximum 10 inch in length